
Aether Dreams

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Aether Dreams

Available on Webtoon France

fantasy - romance

Amnesic and lost in the middle of nature, Haydentries to sruvive the bast she can. The only thing connecting her to her past life is a strange necklace. However, her life changes when she meets a young and mysterious man. Who is he? Has he answers on the past life of our heroin?


Suicide | Physical and psychological abuses | mental health

Daily pass


Aether Team

The team behind the webtoon
Hayden Deterra

Hayden Deterra

Creator / Author / Illustratror


Colors & background assistant


Flats assistant


Most frequently asked questions

“Aether Dreams” started in May 2020 on Canva US and France. It won the public price for the series with the most followers during the first Webtoon France contest. After that, I signed a contract with Naver Webtoon and since then I’ve worked full time on the series.

It takes around 8 days to produce an episode. I have two assistants who help me with the colouring and scenery, which helps me a lot, but even if we are three, creating an episodes takes a lot a time. Usually, I need: 4-5 days for storyboard and inking, 3-4 days for @Buttea_ for flat tints, 2 days for @JunkoKiu for making sceneries and colours and 2 days for me to make the final conception, lettering and exports.

Obviously, it can change from one week to another depending on the length and difficulty of an episode.

To be well prepared and get ready! The more you will schedule ahead and have a good preproduction base with character sheets, scripts of episodes, settings, etc, the more producing episodes will be easy. Believe me, organisation is the key!

More broadly, if you want to get started but you’re scared because you are not confident enough in your writing or drawing, don’t hesitate anymore and take the plunge! You will highly evoluate over the episodes and so will you graphic style. Don’t wait anymore and have fun!

The series started in 2020 and I worked on the firsts episodes alone, so my graphic style sharpenned with time and my working time got more regular. Thus, the drawings have evolved a lot. This graphic difference depicts how far I’ve come and the tremendous work I made. Today, I can tell I am proud of it.

It is because at first Hayden was my pseudonym and I did not know that the red haired you know and whom already existed on paper would take life the way she did. When I launched the webtoon, I was already known under the name of Hayden on my social networks but I did not want to change the name of my character because it meant a lot to me. Therefore, Hayden d’Elcazia (Aether Dreams’ heroin) is different from Hayden Deterra (from Earth, from our planet, from me, you got it haha).

I draw mainly on Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint depending on the needs for the comic boxes. I use sketchup and Acon 3D for the sets. I cut my boards on Croppy. I use 3 different xppen tablets based on my needs — change of posture and tendinits don’t give me a choice — which are an xppen Artist 24 Pro, a small deco pro and a 12 inch 2nd genre for when I travel.

Original soundtrack

music composed by

Yann Cleophas

Music in Aether Dreams

During Aether Dreams publishing, I was lucky enough to work with the talented Yann Cleophas, who composed the original soundtrack for some episodes.

The webtoon format offer the possibility to add music during episodes reading, and this is a real added value I wanted to offer to readers for their reading experience. 

Music in Aether Dreams brings a whole new immersion dimension. It offers to the readers the possibility to feel closer to characters emotions and live the story more intensly.

Yann and I exchanged a lot about the creation of the musical universe. We looked for sonorities that could bring magic and feels to Aether Dreams universe. My most impostant request was to emphasize emotions. I wanted to retranscribe characters sensitivity, their energies, their very own stories through the melody of a track. 


Discover the original soundtrack

You want to listen to the OST?

Add the album to your library to extend your reading experience.

To learn more about the OST creation

Yann and I had the chance to get interviewed by Margot Dessenne in her podcast “Les Mots Raturés”. We talked about the original soundtrack and its creation process.

Click on the image to listen to the episode.

French only

Readers' playlist

Playlist made by the fandom for the fandom

Sometimes, in my instagram stories, I launch a music recos session, where my readers can suggest musics which makes them think of Aether Dreams universe and characters.

With these recommendations, I created a special playlist. You can now listen to it while reading the webtoon or discovering the novel!


Stay connected on Instagram to participate to future sessions

2D animation made with Clip Studio Paint EX